Rehoboth Beach Regional Film Showcase
May 7, 2023
The Rehoboth Beach Regional Film Showcase is designed to promote the art of filmmaking by showcasing the work of filmmakers from the mid-Atlantic region introducing audiences to the creative talents of emerging filmmakers. The showcase provides opportunities for audiences to engage in post-screening discussions with film directors. The Showcase takes place at the Society’s Cinema Art Theater. Eligible films include shorts, documentaries, features and animation of any length. A panel will review all film submissions to select the final list of films to be presented. Based on audience feedback and the panel of judges, a Jury Prize of $1,000 and Honorable Mention prize of $275 will be awarded. This program is funded in part by the Morris and Rosyln Fierberg Fund. The Regional Showcase is hosted annually on the first weekend of May. Watch for film schedule soon! Venue: Cinema Art Theater. Presenter: Rehoboth Beach Film Society.