Regulated hunting is permitted throughout many parks, Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge and on several private tracts, acres of prime territory for waterfowl, deer and small game. Deer hunters in Delaware don't need to look very far to find a place to hunt, approximately 10 percent of land in Delaware is state-owned, and open for public hunting. State law requires hunters to immediately field tag every deer taken and then have the carcass examined by the Division of Fish and Wildlife. The Division checks deer to gather valuable information about the condition of the State's herd. Data on age, weight, buck or doe, condition and place of kill are useful in studying deer populations and setting seasons. For a list of Deer Checking Stations, visit the Delmar Chamber website. For information on hunting licensing, regulations or locations contact the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife at 302.739.3441 or visit www.dnrec.delaware.gov