Streaming Film - Acasa, My Home
Mar 11, 2021
• 12:00 pm
“Acasa, My Home”, is a compelling documentary seen through the eyes of a family trying to adapt to a new lifestyle. In the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta, nine children and their parents lived in perfect harmony with nature for 20 years until they are chased out and forced to adapt to life in the big city. Radu Ciorniciuc’s heartbreaking debut is a thoughtful study of gentrification. Is it better to go back to their “paradise lost,” with its life free yet harsh, or to become part of the society that offers comforts but comes with pressures and conflict? [2019, Romania, 86 min, Rated: NR, Romanian with English subtitles]. Gary M. Kramer of “Film International” writes, “Ciornicuic quietly, shrewdly makes his case for his subject[s]. He shows their dignity even if the greater society disagrees with how they want to live...It is a remarkable portrait of a family in transition.” Sheri Linder of “Hollywood Reporter” remarks, “A memorable variation on a timeless theme.” Venue: Rehoboth Beach Film Society.