Rehoboth Beach Santa Bar Crawl
Welcome to the Third Annual Rehoboth Beach Santa Bar Crawl to benefit Toys for Tots and the Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Foundation. The event will take place on Saturday, December 7th beginning at 1pm.
Dress as Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, or one of his elves, and head to Rehoboth to spread holiday cheer as you hop from bar to bar in support of our deserving charities. This will be the largest crawl to date as we have 24 participating locations and expectations of 2000+ attendees.
The event will begin at 1pm with a group photo on the boardwalk @ Wilmington Ave. (photographer will be on the Above The Dunes balcony and facing northward) and wrap up around 7:30pm at the last stop / closing party location.
There is no entry fee or ticket. Simply bring at least one new & unwrapped toy for your donation to Toys for Tots AND make a nominal donation of at least $5 to the Tunnel To Towers Foundation.
Toys will be accepted at the group picture taking place at 1pm (Wilmington Avenue & the boardwalk). We will have USMC volunteers and a box truck on site. For those who do not make it to the group picture, all participating restaurants/bars will have official Marine Toys for Tots toy drop boxes for your convenience. Our goal is 3000 toys to be collected for the children of Sussex County, Delaware.
An official Rehoboth Beach Santa Bar Crawl donation page has been created by the Tunnel To Towers Foundation. We ask that all attendees make a minimum $5 donation here: