Days/Hours of operation: Always best to phone ahead to be sure someone will be there and that the aircraft are in town.  Due to minimum number of volunteer docents we are only scheduled open first Saturday of each month from 10am-2pm or by appointment for groups and schools.  Some weekends the flying aircraft will be out of town at air shows. Visitors are welcome at any time during posted hours but cannot be in the hangar without staff escort.

Mission: The Delaware Aviation Museum Foundation (D.A.M.F.) is dedicated to promoting and preserving the history of aviation, focusing on aviation in Delaware and the Delaware Coastal Airport. The museum maintains a display of classic, vintage and military aircraft and aviation artifacts as well as an extensive reference library. The D.A.M.F. promotes tourism to Sussex County by hosting events at the airport and museum, providing an educational venue for students and the community.

Ages/Grade levels: Ages 6 and up will benefit most from visiting our museum and maintenance facility.  Small children must be under close supervision of adults.

Materials: Brochures are available at our facility or by mail. Most information can be obtained best by visiting out website

Cost: B-25 Mitchell Bomber rides - $425.00/seat.  Rides on the B-25 are only pre-arranged basis or on dates we publish to make rides available, such as at Wings and Wheels Fall Festival.