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Developing Tomorrow’s Workforce:                                             Bill Pfaff
            Manufacturing Technology                                                     Director
                                                                                         Sussex County
                                                                                         Office of Economic
            S    ussex County has a robust manufacturing sector.  To                     Development

                 ensure its future, Delaware  Technical Community
                                                                                                 If you could
                 College (DTCC) created the Advanced Manufacturing
            Pathways Program for students interested in manufacturing                    Q:      name only one
            careers.                                                                     reason why a business
                                                                        should consider Sussex County as its next
            The  program has  received  national  recognition from the
            National Council for Workforce Education, a testimony to the   location, what would that be?
            initiative’s collaborative efforts, program results and potential
            economic impact.                                            A:      There are so many great reasons,
            Bill Pfaff, Director of Economic Development for Sussex             including low tax, favorable
            County, referenced companies such as ALOFT AeroArchitects   business climate, new incentives and
            in Georgetown, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery in Milton and     abundant workforce, to name a few, but I
            Atlantis Industries in Georgetown as growth companies in    would have to say, having lived, worked and
            need of a well-trained workforce.
                                                                        raised my family here in Sussex County, that
            Training includes learning how to operate and repair electrical   our location has to be my favorite reason for
            systems, hydraulics and pneumatics, mechanical connections,   being here.
            valves and flow meters. Students also study production      The county is beautiful with its beaches, bays
            assembly and programmable logic controllers as well as safety
                                                                        and waterways, and located so close to metro
            and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
            rules in the manufacturing facilities. Students can focus on   areas — a great advantage not only for doing
            manufacturing logistics  or  hands-on  manufacturing. Most   business, but for an interesting lifestyle as
                                                                        well. Within a couple of hours, you can be in
            students get additional on-the-job training through internships
                                                                        Philadelphia, Baltimore or Washington, D.C.,
            at local companies.
                                                                        and New York City is just four hours away.
                                                                        We’re fortunate in that Sussex County is
                                                                        among the top vacation resorts in the United
                                                                        States. Our summers are beautiful, with miles
                                                                        of Atlantic Coast beaches, many of which
            DTCC Workforce and Pathway Programs                         will never be developed because they are
                                                                        award-winning state parks. Our mild climate
            • Aviation Maintenance Technology
            • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering                    is conducive for businesses to operate here.
            • Business and Finance                                      Our property taxes are very low, and we have
            • Information Technology and Networking                     no sales tax in Delaware — an asset that
            • Diesel Mechanic                                           many do not realize! Transportation here is
            • Police Training Academy
            • Healthcare                                                easy: We are close to I-95, a major north-
            • Custom Learning Programs                                  south corridor, and we have rail, waterways
            • and many more!                                            and an airport, making transporting goods in
                                                                        and out an easy process.
                                                                        If you have not thought of Sussex as a great
                                                                        place to work and live, I’d love to take you
                                                                        on a site visit. If you would like to know more
                                                                        about our new business incentives, see our
                                                                        business and industrial parks, or just tour the
                                                                        county, give our office a call at (302) 855-
                                                                        7770 or email us at

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