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Rise Up Now Delaware (RUN-DE) Downtown Development Districts
Rise Up Now Delaware (RUN-DE) is a revolving loan Downtowns are trending, and they are a critical
fund made available to a limited number of Delaware-based component to commmunity economic health well-being.
small businesses through CARES ACT funding. Delaware Sussex County Council has invested in and partnered with
Division of Small Business submitted a competitive grant the Delaware Downtown Development District (DDD)
application to U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic program. State-approved projects in DDD communities can
Development Administration to make this program available earn an additional rebate (50 percent match of state funding
to Delaware’s small businesses as an additional resource for for eligible construction costs up to $10,000) through
access to capital for small businesses with 2 to 99 full-time the County’s program. Georgetown, Laurel, Milford and
employees and a demonstrated Revenue of at least $12,500 Seaford have been designated DDD communities. Each
prior to March 13, 2020. municipality also offers its own incentive package which can
range from tax abatement to waiving permitting fees.
Workforce Training Grants
The Delaware Division of Small Business has available Delaware Site Readiness Fund
The Delaware Site Readiness Fund promotes economic
matching grants up to $100,000 for customized training per
growth and stability by investing in the development or
qualified applicant. The matching portion of the grant can be
improvement of commercial and industrial sites to attract
an in-kind contribution while training is customized to the
job-creating businesses. The Fund provides grants, loans
company’s specific needs.
or other economic assistance to qualified businesses or
local governments that invest in constructing, renovating
Delaware Small Business Credit or improving infrastructure for sites that will attract
Initiative (SSBIC Loan Program) new businesses or expand existing businesses within
the State. Qualified applicants must demonstrate a
Any small business in Delaware with less than 750
public utility advantage to the citizens of Delaware.
employees is eligible to apply for capital and lower interest
rates. Loan proceeds can be used for payroll, inventory,
Transportation Infrastructure
machinery and equipment to supplement general working
capital needs. The Delaware Division of Small Business Investment Fund (TIIF)
is authorized to fund up to 20 percent ($1 million) of a
The Transportation Infrastructure Investment Fund is
maximum $5 million loan.
a grant for businesses to help offset their transportation
improvement costs. TIIF is administered by Delaware
Tax Credits for Creation of Jobs and Department of Transportation in cooperation with the
Qualified Investment in Business Division of Small Business. It was established to provide
Facilities economic assistance for renovation, construction or other
improvements to roads and transportation infrastructure.
Tax credits against corporate or personal income, gross Eligibility: new or expanding businesses in Delaware that
receipts and public utility taxes are available for job creation propose to create a significant number of direct, permanent,
and investment in business facilities in Delaware. Any quality full-time jobs. The proposed infrastructure project
corporate taxpayer that makes a qualified investment of must be located within the public right-of-way, on public
$200,000 or more and hires five or more qualified employees land, or on land that will be dedicated to public use as part of
earning at least $40,000 per employee is eligible. Businesses the project and must serve a public purpose.
must be engaged in a qualified activity and may be eligible to
earn credits up to $500 for each $100,000 invested. Credits Opportunity Zones
can be taken over a 10-year span but may not exceed 50
percent of the company’s pre-credit tax liability. Unused Opportunity Zones are federal tax incentives for projects
credits may be carried forward. in economically distressed areas, five of which are in Sussex County (Georgetown, Laurel and three areas in Seaford).
This is part of a federal program designed to revitalize these
Tax Credits economically distressed communities. Qualified investors
Additional information on business tax credits is available become eligible for federal tax incentives. Visit the interactive
from the Delaware Department of Finance. website to learn more about the designated areas.
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