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Ground breaks in ‘transformative’ Seaford project
           O     ptimism is spreading in Seaford

                 when people look at the Nylon
                 Capital Shopping Center. After
            years of shopping center struggles, big
            plans are in store for what used to be a
            major regional hub. A mix of private and
            public investment will fund the Seaford
            shopping center’s redevelopment, with
            the deeds finalized in late 2022 and
            ceremonial groundbreaking in spring
            “It’s impossible to quantify the
            importance of the Nylon Capital  the rebirth and economic growth for  could not have done this alone, in any
            Shopping Center to the local community,  this area, there was no other decision  meaningful way. It needed this [public]
            and our team at 9th Street Development  but yes,” said Penny Short, president of  help and support,” Herrera said. “It takes
            Company does not take that lightly,” said  TidalHealth Nanticoke. Plans are for  a lot to bring a property like this back
            partner Robert  Herrera. “We  are eager  expanded orthopedics and indoor and  after hard times, especially with inflation
            to breathe new life into this shopping  outdoor physical therapy. “But even more  and construction rates through the roof.”
            center with a diverse group of tenants,  [important] will be the collaboration with
                                                                              Just to help 9SDC purchase the property
            spanning co-working, healthcare, higher  the other businesses here, specifically
                                                                              and pay associated fees, the City of
            education and workforce training.”   with DelTech, as we are working on
                                                                              Seaford  gave  $3.1 million;  State  of
            The plans for the 218,000-plus-square-  workforce development.”   Delaware gave $2 million; and 9th Street
            foot rebuild call for a town center with a  Other tenants include BrightBloom,  Development Company gave $500,000.
            mix of institutional and recreational space,  a center for children with autism; the  Throughout the $60 million project, the
            both renovation and new construction.  local Community Bank Delaware; and  9SDC team will invest much more in
            Based in  Wilmington, 9th Street   Vanderwende Farm Creamery.     development and also leverage public
            Development  Company (9SDC) aims  Several existing businesses will remain   subsidies and support. The property was
            to unify communities by building mixed-  (retail, pharmacy, restaurant the bowling   designated an Opportunity Zone and
            use, historic renovations and ground-up  alley, which will undergo rehabilitation).   later a workforce development hub.
            construction. They expertly track down  Green space will be added, along with  “I  think  western  Sussex  is  really  well
            tax  credits  and development  grants  to  pickleball facilities and walking trails.
                                                                              poised for this, for what I call the next
            help projects come to life.
                                             The overall campus at 1030  W. Stein   industrial revolution,” Herrera advises
            Distressed properties like this have   Highway would also include more trees,  other  potential entrepreneurs.  “We’re
            a special place in Herrera’s heart. In   sidewalks and public wi-fi.  seeing a lot of small-batch manufacturing
            Wilmington, that’s how he led a group                             come back to the country, and with
                                             “I have a background in architecture
            effort to open The Mill, renovated from                           western Sussex’s history in nylon, they’re
                                             and also city infrastructure, and these
            a similarly “lost” building to become a                           really well positioned to be part of that.”
                                             programs  where  you  can  make  a  big
            coworking and incubator space for small
            businesses and entrepreneurs.    impact  on the community  are  exciting  Buildings  will  either  be demolished  or
                                             to me,” Herrera said.  “You can blend  renovated in this creative re-use project.
            Seaford will have its own Mill space, too.  economic development projects with  Phased site work was bid out, with
            “I’m really excited to replicate The Mill  [community revitalization]. I think this  awards expected in mid-2024.
            coworking space,” especially as remote  project checks all those boxes.”  Coinciding with this effort is the
            workers utilize space away from home,
                                             This has been a long, intentional process.  Department of  Transportation’s Stein
            and entrepreneurs meet and create more   Decades  of city and  state  officials  Highway  rehabilitation project, with
            economic opportunities, Herrera said.  have long prepared for when the right  traffic light upgrades, road patching,
            An early anchor tenant was Delaware  developer came  along.  “This has been  paving and rebuilding curbs to comply
            Technical Community College, planning  a generational project, and it took  with the Americans with Disabilities
            a workforce training center.     persistence and years of work. We’re just  Act.
                                             lucky that we showed up at the finish
            In 2024,  TidalHealth also announced                              For more information on leasing space,
                                             line,” Herrera said.
            it would come to a 22,000-square-foot                             contact Dann Gladnick and DSM
            facility overlooking the campus green  “I’ve studied this site in detail over the  Commercial or
            and pickleball courts. “To be a part of  years, and I assure you, the private sector  (302) 283-1800.

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