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Welcome to Sussex County!
W hile it’s true that the Delaware beaches are On the next page, you’ll find a snapshot of some of our
among the best in the world for vacations, the initiatives, from financial programs to free databases that
business-friendly climate, shovel-ready projects can inform your decision-making process.
and favorable property taxes are the advantages you are
We hope you enjoy learning more about the growth in
looking for if you want to live where you work.
Sussex County, whether you’re a resident, business owner
We’re here to tell you that Sussex County is open for or perhaps interested in being a part of one of the fastest-
business, and we would like you to consider starting or growing counties in America. Visit our website today
expanding your business here. We have a multitude ( or call our office (302-855-7770) to
of incentives — everything from low-interest loans to see how we can help you. Let’s do business… in Sussex
Opportunity Zones — that you should consider. County!
Bill Pfaff, Director, Sussex County
Office of Economic Development
(302) 855-7770
Sussex County is the
fastest-growing county in
the fastest-growing state
in the Northeast. The
County is in close proximity
to the major metro markets New York
of Washington, D.C.,
Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York City and
Richmond, VA. Philadelphia
Baltimore 150 Miles
Washington, DC
110 Miles
80 Miles
50 Miles
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