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Make Our History Yours

                                                                               Delaware Aviation Museum
                                                                               The adventure of a lifetime is waiting for
                                                                               you and it begins the second you book
                                                                               your flight online, aboard one of our
            Zwaanendael Museum               Shipwreck of the Faithful Steward
            Housed in a replica of the City Hall of   An Irish immigrant ship sank off the shore
            Hoorn, The Netherlands, this Lewes   of the Indian River Inlet in 1785. The beach
            museum highlights the rich history of   has been dubbed “Coin Beach” because of
            Sussex County and its maritime heritage   the many foreign pennies found there. The
            through exhibits of shipwreck artifacts.   pennies with King George’s face on them
            302-645-1148 |                   were either clipped or a hole poked through
    George’s nose to poke fun at him.
            museum/                                                           Bethel Heritage Museum
                                                                              Close to the banks of the scenic Broad
                                                                              Creek, Bethel’s shipbuilding history is
                                                                              preserved through exhibits, ship models,
                                                                              paintings, furniture, china, and records of
                                                                              shipbuilding enterprises. Call for museum
                                                                              hours and exhibit info. 302-875-3974.

            Cannonball House                 Bethany Beach Dinker-Irvin Museum
            Cannonball House is known for being   Experience a historically significant early
            struck by British cannon fire during the   1900’s home and a glimpse of what life
            War of 1812. The structure (c. 1765) now   was like in the early days of the town. One
            serves as a maritime history museum,   of the few original cottages in Bethany and   Treasures of the Sea Museum
            holding more than 375 years of nautical   the oldest public building in town.   This museum houses treasures that
            history. 302-645-7670 |  were recovered from the shipwreck of
              Town-Museum                      the Atocha. See gold and silver bars, a
                                                                              cannon, jewels, and other treasures.
                                                                              302-259-6150 |

                                                                              Fenwick Island Lighthouse
            The Milford Museum               Delaware Seaside Railroad Club   Just feet from the Transpeninsular Marker
            Permanent exhibits include local historic   Visitors are welcome at the clubhouse,   that defines the Delaware and Maryland
            events from the 1700s to present,   which features multiple interactive   State lines, the station was completed and
            shipbuilding, and local businesses. Other   layouts. Hours are 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. on   the lamp was lit for the first time August
            exhibits include an historic doll collection,   Saturdays and Wednesdays from 5 – 8   1,1859.
            Victorian silverware, Delaware ladybugs,   p.m. Admission is free. 302-448-5654 |
            and early Milford baseball. 302-424-1080 |   the-lighthouse/

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