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History Is in Reach of Our Beach

            DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum     The Lightship Overfalls          Rehoboth Beach Museum
            This museum contains one of the largest   One of only 17 remaining lightships out   Showcases collections of Rehoboth
            collections of shipwreck and recovered   of 179 built between 1820 and 1952, the   Beach artifacts, photographs, and
            artifacts in the Mid-Atlantic, offering   Overfalls is a National Historic Landmark   memorabilia through permanent
            about 10,000 artifacts on display from as   and one of only seven in the U.S. still open   collections and rotating exhibits.
            long ago as the 1500s, including cannons,   to the public. 302-644-8050 |    302-227-7310 |
            daggers, bottles of rum, gold chains, and
            more. 888-743-5524 |

            Lewes History Museum             The Lewes Maritime History Trail   Lydia B. Cannon Museum
            Explore prehistoric peoples, colonial   A 4.3-mile route that takes visitors to   Features an overview of Milton history,
            intrigue, and life in Lewes through   10 sites where the city’s maritime past   beginning with the Native Americans
            permanent exhibits. Children’s   unfolds. Walk, bike, or drive.    and showcasing Milton’s shipbuilding
            interactive history area. 302-645-7670 |    302-645-7670 |   heritage. 302-684-2020 |

            Indian River Lifesaving Station Museum   Governor Ross Mansion & Plantation   Nutter D. Marvel Carriage Museum
            & Gift Shop                      This 1859 mansion is one of the few   Houses a collection of local historic
            South of Dewey Beach, this oceanfront   examples of Italian Renaissance   structures, 20 antique horse-drawn
            station was built in 1876 for use by the   architecture on the East Coast. Includes   carriages, antique telephones, and
            U.S. Lifesaving Service, a government   outbuildings such as a granary and slave   significant photographs and memorabilia
            organization created to respond to   quarters. 302-628-9828 |     from Sussex County. 302-855-9660 |
            shipwrecks along the U.S. coastline.
            Lantern tours are one of the many popular                         museum.htm
            programs offered at this site.
            302-227-6991 |

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