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Family Fun

            FUNLAND is a family amusement    weekend through Labor Day, all rides
            center located on the nationally   and games run on a “pay as you
            recognized Rehoboth Beach        go” basis so that visitors may enjoy
            Boardwalk that offers family fun at   Funland as both spectators and
            reasonable prices. Family-owned   participants.                   Safari Water
            and operated since 1962,                                          Park; Midway Speedway;
            Funland has become a family      GO-KART. There are a number      Ryan’s Mini Golf; Shell We Golf
            tradition for generations of visitors    of amusement locations offering    (Rehoboth Beach); Captain Jack’s
            to Rehoboth Beach.               go-karting adventures, including   Pirate Golf; Nick’s Dinoland
                                             Viking Golf Theme Park (Fenwick
            The amusement center has a       Island) and Midway Speedway      (Bethany Beach).
            great mix of rides for all ages   (Rehoboth Beach).               PIRATES OF LEWES
            and boasts 20 total rides, with 14                                EXPEDITIONS. Take your kids on
            rides geared toward the younger   MINI GOLF. Hot spots include:   a swashbuckling pirate adventure!
            crowd and six rides offering major   Viking Golf Theme Park (Fenwick   Voyage includes water cannons,
            thrills. In addition to rides, Funland   Island); Millville Boardwalk   face painting, sailor sashes,
            offers 17 games with prizes and   (Millville); Nick’s Mini Golf (Dewey   treasure maps, and sunken booty.
            an arcade filled with video games.   Beach); Shipwrecked Mini Golf   Reservations required,
            Open annually from Mother’s Day   (Ocean View); Jungle Jim’s River   302-249-3538.

                                                                                For more info and links, go to

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