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September                          October                             APPLE SCRAPPLE
                                                                                             Bridgeville. This
                                                                                             event honors
                                                                                             two yummy local
                                                                                             delicacies: apples
                                                                                             and scrapple. A
            RIVERWALK FREEDOM FESTIVAL:                                                      scrapple breakfast,
            Milford. Fantastic food, arts and   WINGS & WHEELS: Georgetown. Fly-in           craft and food
            crafts, children’s games, car show,   of vintage planes, many from the WWII      vendors, games and
            live entertainment, Duck Dash down   era; classic car and truck show, WWII   rides for kids, skillet toss, and scrapple
            the Mispillion River. Red, White &   encampments and exhibits, food and   sling make for a unique outing. 302-
                                                                               337-7275 |
            Brew Garden, patriotic boat parade,   craft vendors, pilot “flour-bombing”
            Operation Give Back Military Tribute,   competitions, musical entertainment.
            fireworks. 302-422-3344 |        302-856-1544 |
                                                              SEA WITCH
                                                              & FIDDLERS’
                                                              Beach. Famous    REHOBOTH BEACH JAZZ
                                                              costume parade,   FESTIVAL: This is one of the most
            BETHANY BEACH BOARDWALK          costumed dog parade, official state   sought-after ticketed jazz festivals in
            ARTS FESTIVAL: Oceanfront art    fiddlers’ competition, kids’ games,   the United States due to the intimate
            show and sale featuring more than   craft and food vendors, horse show   venues and performer interaction.
            100 juried artists. 800-962-7873 |   and rides on the beach, broom tossing
      contest, and more. 800-441-1329 |
                   NANTICOKE INDIAN
                    POWWOW: Milton.
                    Celebrates the traditions of
                    Delaware’s Native American
                    community. Guest tribes
                   from throughout the U.S.   TRUE BLUE JAZZ FESTIVAL:
                 join the Nanticoke people in   Rehoboth Beach. Features songs of the Great   HOLLY FESTIVAL: Milton. Milton’s
            storytelling and dancing in colorful,   American Standards Songbook from 1900   wreath-making industry sustained the town
            feathered regalia. Arts and crafts,   to present day, from the birth of the Blues   for nearly 60 years and in the mid-1940s,
            native food. 302-945-3400 | www.  and Dixieland Jazz to the popular tunes that   Milton was known by names such as the
                                                                               “Land of Holly” and “Hollytown USA.” Enjoy
               became the soundtrack of America. www.  Wreath Making demos, crafts, treats, visit
                               MAXIMA                 with Santa and more!  www.historicmilton.
                               HISPANIC      BOAST THE COAST MARITIME          com/holly-festival
                               FEST:         FESTIVAL & COAST DAY: Lewes.
                               Georgetown.    Celebrates the area’s maritime
                               Celebrate the                   heritage with
                               diversity of                    exhibits, kids’
                               the Hispanic                    programs,
                               cultural                        arts and crafts
                               heritage in                     show and        SCHELLVILLE CHRISTMAS
                               Delaware.                       sale, food,     VILLAGE: Rehoboth Beach. An
                               Music,                          schooner tours,   enchanted winter celebration,
            dances, traditional arts and crafts                boat parade.    providing hours of fun and
            and foods with emphasis on Latino   877-465-3937 or 302-831-8083 | www.  entertainment for kids of all ages.
            cuisine. or www.ceoe.udel.
                                             edu/coastday                      schellville/#section-about

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